Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ways Children Looked After By Local Authority Social Work Essay

Ways Children Looked After By Local Authority Social Work Essay In the context of Shona and her family, this assignment will firstly review the powers and orders necessary to bring the children to be looked after by the local authority along with the governing principles. It will then discuss relevant areas for review and the required order to ensure good care for the children, including how and when these should be reviewed. Finally, looking at the significance to the case study of s17 of Children Act, 1989 along with considering the different services presented to each sibling whilst in care. Police Powers Shonas case is discovered by police officers under-taking ordinary duties when social services departments and the courts are closed (Masson, 2001). CA, 1989 s46(1) gives the police power, without going to court, to remove or detain children for 72 hours if they have reasonable cause to believe that the children are likely to suffer significant harm (Brammer, 2010; Powell, 2001). Social Service Managers recognise the value of s46 as an emergency intervention but have criticised its excessive use as a result of police anxiety (Masson, 2001). The principle is that courts should make a decision to remove children wherever possible; therefore, s46 is to be used in exceptional circumstances. The local authority should have in place with the Clerks to the Justices an out of hours Emergency Protection Order (EPO) application process (HO Circular, 2008). Emergency Protection Order EPO is a short-term emergency measure, lasting up to 8 days with a possible extension of a further 7 days, whilst the local authority under CA, 1989 s47 investigates the childrens welfare. S44(1) of the act outlines the grounds for applications for an EPO of which there are two forms (any person and likely to suffer significant harm). The local authoritys application for Shona and her siblings is on the grounds that they are likely to suffer significant harm due to domestic violence. Although the court may agree that there are grounds for an EPO, it still needs to apply the principles contained in Part 1 of the act. Principles governing the decision-making Welfare Principle CA, 1989 s1 states that, the childs welfare shall be the courts paramount consideration. The meaning of s1 has been closely examined and criticised due to its wide range of interpretations (Brammer, 2010; Brayne and Carr, 2010). Decisions based on the welfare of the child are ultimately value judgements (Ryan, 1998: 8) Therefore, a checklist was added to maintain consistency and provide clear understanding (Ryan, 1998 and Brammer, 2010). For an EPO the court must consider the welfare principle but it does not have to consider the checklist (Brayne and Carr, 2010). Non-Delay Principle CA, 1989 s1(2), supported by European Court of Human Rights article 6(1), emphasises that any delay in court proceedings is potentially harmful to the welfare of the child (Brayne and Carr, 2010), therefore, the court needs to have regard to the non-delay principle. The Public Law Outline (PLO), 2008 attempted to address case management and avoid delays in court proceedings by setting a timetable. Masson argues that Legislating against delay did not change working practices; adult parties continue to create advantageous delay (2010; 55). No-order Principle CA, 1989 s1(5) directs courts to make no order, even if the harm threshold condition is satisfied, unless it considers that making an order would be better for the child than making no order at all (known as the no-order principle). The principle recognises the need for proportionality with three foundational aims: 1) discourage unnecessary court orders, 2) to ensure that the order is granted only where it is likely positively to improve the childs welfare and 3) discourage the making of unnecessary applications (DCSF, 2008: 7). If government guidance discourages unnecessary applications, this may account for research findings showing a general misunderstanding of this principle amongst local authorities who interpret it to mean that cases should not be taken to court unless it is totally necessary. The recent increase in court applications may demonstrate that the principle is not preventing Social Workers from carrying out their duties (DCSF, 2008; Brayne and Carr, 2010). The majority of court proceedings have resulted in orders being granted, therefore Mason argues, Neither the public nor the courts themselves have accepted the no order principle (2010, 57). Areas Needing to be looked at: Threshold Question As Shona has been in care for approximately three years, the local authority would have applied for a court order. This cannot be obtained without meeting the threshold criteria of CA, 1989 s31: identifying significant harm, cause for the harm and no order principle (Ryan, 1998; DOH, 1999). Significant harm has to be found to exist before the court will intervene in family life, however, as the term is not defined it causes considerable problems of interpretation. The Adoption and Children Act, 2002 s120 broadened harm to include witnessing or hearing it, which would be relevant in the case of Shona (Brammer, 2010). Assessment The children would be assessed under the child protection structure due to the physical abuse Liam endured and his sisters witnessed. This structure has evolved through a series of reports and government circulars. In 2008, the Children Act Guidance Volume One was revised and issued under s7 of the Local Authority Social Service Act, 1970 which provided clarity for what should be completed before making an order application (Brayne and Carr, 2010). Working Together to Safeguard Children, 2010 provides interagency guidance on assessment and investigation. The Framework for the Assessment of Children in Need and Their Families, 2000 provided, under one structured system, a holistic assessment and planning tool for all children in need (Thomas, 2005: 83). Using the framework, the local authority, through the core assessment process, will need to consider both the childrens and parents needs along with those in the wider family and community, to reach a decision that an order is necessary to safeguard their welfare. The local authority would also need to seek legal advice and communicate to the parents their concerns (DCSF, 2008). Care Plan ACA, 2002 amended s31 of the CA, 1989 so that an order cannot be made until the court has considered a care plan (Brammer, 2010). A separate plan would be required for Shona, Liam and Siobhan so the court can consider their individual needs. The plans should be based on findings from the initial and core assessments with the structure, as guided by Local Authority Circular 99(29), 1999, being: 1) overall aim, 2) childs needs, 3) views of others, 4) detail on placement and 5) local authority management. The courts decision on the no-order principle will take into account the care plan for verification as to how the order would be applied (DOH, 2000). What Orders May Have Been Necessary Care Order In having met the threshold criteria, completed assessment and care plan the local authority under s31 would apply for a care order for the children. A care order, rather than a supervision order, involves the children being removed from their home and provides the local authority with shared parental responsibility for the children alongside the parents (Brayne and Carr, 2010). Reviews by Local Authority Upon granting an order, the court has no influence in the plan being carried out (Brammer, 2010). ACA, 2002 amended s25(a) CA, 1989 by requiring an Independent Review Officer (IRO) to be appointed to chair all review meetings of looked after children, ensure the child is involved in the review and will challenge poor practice, and any drift in implementing the Care Plan (HMG, 2003: 45). If the plan is not implemented the IRO can pass the case to CAFCASS who can now return it to court (Brammer, 2010). CA, 1989 s26 makes it a legal requirement for local authorities to regularly review the childrens care plans. Reviews ensure that it [plan] is being effectively implemented and to make any changes that have become necessary (Thomas, 2005: 76). All involved in the care of the children, including the child, should be involved in the review. The minimum requirements which reflect the no-delay principle, are set out in the Review of Childrens Cases Regulations 1991, amended in 2004. The first review should be held within four weeks of the children becoming looked after, followed by a further review at three months later and then six monthly (Brammer, 2010; Ryan, 1998). Relevance of s17 to case study Views of Parents Under s17 of CA, 1989, the local authority has a general duty to promote the upbringing of children in need by their families and with article 8 of the Human Rights Act, 1989; they would need to justify any interference in family life. Working Together, 2010 re-emphasized the commitment of partnership with parents in making plans for the welfare and protection of their children. There are a number of ways the local authority can work in partnership with Shonas parents; through consultation, taking into consideration their views, attendance at case conferences and being notified of any public proceedings (Brayne and Carr, 2010). CA 1989, s17 also makes clear that the first priority is to promote and safeguard the childrens welfare and then try to keep them within their family (Brayne and Carr, 2010). Provided that the welfare and safety of the children is paramount then potentially there should be no conflict between the principles of family support and child protection (Parton, 1997). However, research has shown that full partnership is difficult to reach when risks are high and families disagree with the perceived risks (Bell, 1999). The recent case of Baby Peter has highlighted the importance of Shonas Social Worker having the skill to recognize when partnership with the parents is failing to protect them (Brayne and Carr, 2010). The fathers violence towards the children could be a reason to exclude him from any conferences but his wishes can be obtained by other means (DCSF, 2010). It is also important to recognise that the childrens views and wishes may be different to their parents. Childs wishes The Children Act, 2004 s53 amended s17 of CA, 1989 making it a requirement that before deciding what services should be provided the childrens wishes should be obtained and given consideration (DCSF, 2010). CA, 1989 s22 by mentioning the child before the parents suggests that the childs wishes are to be the first consideration (Brayne and Carr, 2010). The law has also been criticised for assuming that it is possible to know objectively what is in a childs best interest but instead should give the children themselves a role in determining what happens (Thomas, 2005). However, the emphasis of listening to the childs wishes has recently been criticised as it undermines the courts authority to make a best interest decision (Times, 2010). Laws, policies and procedures continue to reflect he tension between these twin goals of safeguarding children and advocating their rights (Adams, 2009; 304). To ensure that the childs interests, wishes and rights are upheld in court, CA, 1989 s41(1) contains the duty, if required, for a Childrens Guardian to be appointed from CAFCASS (Brayne and Carr, 2010). Placement Details The local authority whilst taking into consideration the views of the children and parents, will have regards for s17 when considering placements for the children. The CA, 1989 s44(a) was amended by the Family Law Act, 1996 giving power to include exclusion requirement in emergency protection order. This could have been an option looked at in the case of Shona with the father being excluded from the family home (Brayne and Carr, 2010). Consideration of family members and friends as potential carers for Shona and her siblings should be explored and clearly demonstrated in their care plans before making a court order application (DCSF, 2008). S23(7) CA, 1989 promotes contact between parents and children with local authority, as is reasonably practicable, providing accommodation near to the family home and keeping siblings together. Under schedule 2 of CA, 1989 there are powers given to the local authority to assist in maintaining links between children and their family (Brayne and Carr , 2010). Options Available to each child Family Group Conference There are several methods for compiling the childrens care plans, with one such option being Family Group Conference (FGC) (Thomas, 2005). FGC has been described as a, realistic methods for merging the needs and interests of children and families and the protection concerns of public child welfare agencies, the courts, and the community (Chandler and Giovannucci, 2004: 217). Although there is no factual data, reviews of FGCs have implied that it is not a suitable option for domestic violence cases due to the welfare of the child. However, in the case of Shona, FGC may have been a viable option when initially becoming children cared for to help explore the welfare concerns, deciding what services are necessary and to take into consideration the children and parents views when considering permanency so to prevent the children becoming entrenched in the care system (Chandler and Giovannucci, 2004). Accommodation The local authority has a power under s20 CA, 1989 to provide accommodation to the three children (Ryan, 1998). From initially coming into care (the sisters going to foster care and Liam to residential care) up until their current situation (Shona and Siobhan different wishes to return home) decisions on the provision of accommodation have been paramount with the options to be explored being: kinship, foster care, residential, reunification, adoption and independence. ACA, 2002 provides guidance on the timescales for decisions about adoption with permanence, including adoption, needing to be considered at the second care plan review (Brayne and Carr, 2010: 378). Education / Crime Due to the highly publicised statistics of children in cares educational underachievement, crime rates and employability, the recent government has made a number of changes to legislation. Under s20 of the Children and Young Persons Act, 2008 all three children will have (had) a designated member of staff at their school responsibility for promoting the educational achievement. The local authority under s22 should provide for under 25 year olds assistance to pursue education or training which is relevant to Liam and Shonas current situation (Brammer, 2010: 356). Although the agenda for change is not without criticism, Its policy recommendations are framed within a social investment approach which values education as the route out of exclusion and into employability (Williams, 2004; 423). Schedule 2(7) of CA, 1989 puts an onus on the local authority to take reasonable steps designed to reduce the need to bring criminal proceedings against such children (Brammer, 2010: 369). Therefore the Youth Offending Team (YOT) could be a service considered for Liam. Adams argues that the number of detained children is high in the UK with, policy and practice regarding children and young people who have committed offences remain stubbornly resistant to welfare principles (2009; 318). Legal Requirements In 2003 the government published Every Child Matters (ECM) which introduced five outcomes for service providers to make arrangements to improve the well being of children: being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and economic wellbeing (2003:6-7). CA, 2004 was passed to provide a statutory framework for applying ECM with the five outcomes included in s10(2) of the act (Brayne and Carr, 2010). The act also introduced the requirement for working together of statutory departments and other relevant bodies for achieving the five outcomes (Brammer, 2010). In theory this provides Shona, Liam and Siobham with greater opportunity for services from public, private and voluntary sectors, however, this legislative change did not come with an increase in budget (Williams, 2004). The responsibility of the local authority to provide services to the children is outlined in schedule 2 of CA, 1989. The wording is moderated for example reasonable steps or con sider appropriate, therefore the local authority can prioritise services based on what is available rather than having to meet every need (Brammer, 2010). When more than one agency is involved in the childrens care a lead professional will be appointed to be responsible for ensuring a coherent package of services to meet the individual childs needs (HMG, 2003: 9). Conclusion In the situation of Shona and her family, this assignment has highlighted the current social and political thinking towards safeguarding children with the balance in the CA, 1989 between welfare and childrens wishes; the emphasis on partnership with parents; the importance of accountability through reviews and the value placed on children remaining with their families. The five outcomes for children in care provide a framework for the provision of services, however, the limitation in budgets does not support the political agenda.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Analysis of “Dulce et Decorum Est” Essay

The poem we have been analysing in class, Dulce et Decorum Est, was written by a man named Wilfred Owen. Wilfred Owen was a soldier in the first world war and was born on the 18th of March 1893, and died on the 4th of November 1918, a week before the end of the first world war. In this poem, Owen’s objective is to show the horror and reality of war, and to set this horror against the way in which war was often glorified. His objection, the glorification of war is reflected in the title, â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† This is translated as â€Å"It is sweet and glorious†. Wilfred Owen uses this as a form of irony, to draw in the reader’s attention. It was especially meant for another war poet, Jesse Pope. She wrote about all the good and positive reasons for war, and tried to encourage men to go and fight for their country. You can easily feel how Wilfred Owen felt about the first world war. His use of adjectives like â€Å"bitter†, â€Å"helpless† and â€Å"smothering dreams† and the use of imagery, give us a clear picture of what it was like. These words are used to convey the ugliness, fear, poignancy and the pain of the war. Wilfred Owen uses clear tones throughout the poem help us to understand how he felt, and why he felt this way. In most of the poem, the tone is quite angry, due to the choice of words and how they are used. Owen gives us graphic descriptions, speaking in a very direct and straight forward way. His use of the word â€Å"you† in the third stanza, emphasizes my point clearly. He uses this to draw us in, and to make us feel how he felt. Not only does he make us feel how he felt, but the poet makes us use our senses. He makes us hear this one man dying, struggling for life. He makes us taste the bitterness of war, and the reality of it. All of these techniques are used in the poem, because he wants us to be shocked at the reality that he is presenting. In his illustration of war, Owen describes an incident of exhausted soldiers trudging through the mud, clearly unhappy and very tired. They are all leaving the front line in order to rest for a while in a safer place. Before this can happen the group get attacked by a sea of gas. Owen explains how one soldier is late in putting on his mask. Wilfred Owen describes the symptoms shown by this man as the poison slowly kills him. He then tells us how this man â€Å"plunges† at him, â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning†. Owen is helpless; he can’t do anything to save this man’s life. This man is forever haunting his dreams. Wilfred Owen then says â€Å"My friend you would not tell with such high zest† So, directly speaking to us, and Jesse Pope, or anyone who thinks that war is sweet or glorious, that it’s actually a lie! The poet then repeats the title as â€Å"the old lie†: â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est Pro patria mori†. The full translation of this is â€Å"It is sweet and glorious to die for one’s country†. In Stanza 1, I have already briefly talked about the contrast between the title of the poem and the actual poem itself. It’s ironic. When we think of the title we imagine men with high spirits, willing to fight for their country, not â€Å"old beggars under sacks†, smelly and dirty, with the weight of the war weighing them down. In an instant we start to realise that war isn’t sweet or glorious. The word â€Å"beggars† implies that maybe the soldiers were of low ranks. That they have all, no matter what rank, have been reduced to a basic human level, dependant on others for their survival. â€Å"Sacks† are like rags; this gives the impression that the soldiers haven’t even been given adequate warm clothing. All this imagery creates sympathy for the soldiers and uses an image that you will be able to relate to. The rhythm in the first stanza is slow, with lots of commas. Owen uses punctuation like this because he wants you to see war for what it is. The use of commas, slow what you are reading down, and making it longer, as if you are walking/trudging alongside these tired soldiers. As the stanza goes on Owen shortens the sentences, they are getting slower and slower, emphasizing the soldiers exhaustion. Also the words â€Å"trudge† and â€Å"sludge† give a heavy sound and feel to the poem, as if you can hear the soldier’s heavy footsteps. The last line of the first stanza, Wilfred Owen uses alliteration, â€Å"gas shells dropping softly behind†, the repeated â€Å"S† sound, the sibilant â€Å"S†, makes a soft and smooth sound, like a lullaby, slowly easing you to sleep. This hints at what the soldiers feel like, tired and exhausted. Owen uses this for a contrast in the next line. â€Å"Gas! Gas!† this is more powerful and contrasting technique used here to create an atmosphere of panic and horror. The use of exclamation marks here also portray a scene of panicking and rushing. Owen uses direct speech here to draw us in and to speak to us, which is different from the first stanza where Owen uses the past tense. The imagery here is really engaging; it gives us the sense of rushing â€Å"to fit the clumsy helmets†. The word â€Å"clumsy† is a use of personification. It’s as if the helmets were fighting against the soldiers. Personification is useful, because you can relate to a human experience/image. Floundering is a strong verb; It gives you a clear image of this man struggling for life. Wilfred Owen also uses an extended metaphor of the sea, giving you a clear and a visual image of this struggle. â€Å"As under a green sea, I saw him drowning†. An extended metaphor keeps the image going. â€Å"plunges†, â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning† are all related to the sea, so therefore an extended metaphor. Also the words â€Å"guttering, choking, drowning† are a form of onomatopoeia, Owen makes us use our senses, to hear this man’s suffering. As if we were there. The poet uses the adjective â€Å"green†, this colour is often associated with evil, this is used to make the readers think that everything that is going on is evil and wrong. â€Å"In all my dreams, before my helpless sight† this is a quite shocking sentence to use. Wilfred Owen has obviously been scared by this man’s death, not one but â€Å"all† of his dreams re haunted by this man dying in front of his sight. This creates a feeling of horror and sympathy for Wilfred Owen and all the men who suffered like this. It is obvious in the third stanza, that war disgusts Wilfred Owen. The adjectives he uses emphasize his opinion; adjectives like â€Å"vile†, â€Å"obscene† and â€Å"bitter†. These are all very harsh words to use, but all portray his opinion clearly. The imagery Owen also uses in this stanza gives the impression that war is disgusting. The simile â€Å"like a devil’s sick of sin† shows Owen’s absolute disgust, you can feel that as well. This simile implies that war is the work of the devil, and even he is sick of it! Another poetic technique used in this stanza is the alliteration of the letter â€Å"W†-â€Å"Watch the white eyes writhing in his face† You can’t exactly say it quickly so you have to say it slowly so you can think about it, and realise the horror and reality of what is happening. The tone throughout this stanza is angry and harsh; this reflects Wilfred Owen’s thoughts and feelings about war. â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est Pro patria mori† is a lie and Wilfred Owen is disgusted by it! A capital L is used to make the lie important, and a colon is used to introduced the unforgivable lie, it is also used to make us stop and think about it before we say it. Wilfred Owen uses a great depth of feeling in this poem, he uses emotive language and his personal impression and traumatic experience of war affects the convincing and clear message of the devastation of war! Comparison of two war poems (Dulce et decorum est and Suicide in the trenches) As a comparison to the poem by Wilfred Owen, we have been studying â€Å"Suicide in the trenches† by the war poet, Siegfried Sassoon. â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† and â€Å"Suicide in the trenches’† themes are similar. They both are about the reality and harshness of war. Unlike â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†, from the title â€Å"Suicide in the Trenches† you can figure out that the title is about death, to be specific a suicide. The word Siegfried Sassoon uses in the title, suicide, could mean a few different things. Maybe it could mean that going to war is suicidal, or basically that someone commits suicide in the trenches. It’s different to â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† because it isn’t ironic and Sassoon actually tells you what happens, he puts you straight, whilst Owen leaves you thinking about the theme and message of the poem. The poem, like â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†, focuses on the death of one soldier in the First World War. Sassoon describes this young man’s life before the war, and how â€Å"simple† it was, and how satisfied he was with it. The poet then goes to talk about the war, and the horror of it. It’s as if Sassoon is making a list of all that is wrong and bad about the war, but mainly what is wrong with the trenches. In the second stanza he stresses the awful health conditions, loneliness, patriotism, and the lack of resources the soldiers faced in the trenches. Siegfried Sassoon’s use of the word â€Å"and† in the second stanza is as if he is building up to the point where this man can’t take any more of it, so he commits suicide. Sassoon then speaks directly to us, like Wilfred Owen in â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†, both poets are disgusted by this war, but mostly by the people who cheer and support the soldiers. In a way, they both makes us feel guilty about it. In the first stanza, Siegfried Sassoon uses the adjective â€Å"simple† to describe the soldier’s life before the war. He led a â€Å"simple† life, but was satisfied with it. The adjective â€Å"simple† could have also been used to indicate that this was a boy, â€Å"simple† and naà ¯ve. The poet also says â€Å"who grinned at life in empty joy†. This suggests that this â€Å"boy† didn’t have many aims in life, and didn’t let anything really bother him. This could also mean that he was from a working background, like a farm. The sentence â€Å"And whistled early with the lark† suggests that he had to get up early, like a farmer. Unlike â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†, the first stanza in â€Å"Suicide in the Trenches† is quite positive. Sassoon uses words like â€Å"joy†, â€Å"grinned†, and â€Å"slept soundly†. Sassoon also uses open vowels, â€Å"boy† and â€Å"joy†, which are light words to say. All these words accentuate his freedom and happiness. Siegfried Sassoon uses these particular words for a contrast in the next stanza, where all these negative and heavy words are used. The poet does this contrast to toy with our emotions. The poet also might have done this to emphasize the harshness and reality of war, and how different it is to this boy’s simple but satisfied life. In the second stanza, Sassoon uses the rhyming couplet â€Å"glum† and â€Å"rum†. These are quite heavy words, and not like the open vowels used in the first stanza. Siegfried Sassoon uses these to emphasize the soldiers, how â€Å"glum† and weary they were, and to highlight how tiring and difficult it was for them. The words â€Å"lack of rum† could mean two things; that literally there was no rum, or he was less energetic, because rum dulls the senses. Maybe without it he can’t cope. I have said before that Sassoon’s use of the word â€Å"and† and his lack of punctuation in the first two lines to drag the sentences on, and that makes it longer, and makes it sound longer too. In a way Sassoon is building up all the horrible things to the point where this young man can’t take any more of it. This creates sympathy for the soldiers who faced conditions like this. Siegfried Sassoon only uses two lines to portray the conditions of war, whilst Wilfred Owen uses many more lines and makes it longer and more detailed. In the third line of the second stanza, the sentence â€Å"He put a bullet through his brain.† Finishes with a full stop. The full stop used here highlights the fact that this man’s life has ended. His life, like the sentence, has come to a stop. Sassoon uses punctuation here, to stop and make you think about what has actually just happened. The next line â€Å"No one spoke of him again.† Is a change in the rhythm. Throughout the poem so far, there has been eight syllables in each line, but when we get to this sentence there is only seven syllables. Sassoon changes the rhythm here to stress the fact there isn’t any need to speak of this man again. Although, the change in rhythm could also mean that people are in a way ashamed to speak of this man again, because he committed suicide, everyone overlooks him as a coward. The poet uses a full stop here as well, to make the reader stop and acknowledge what has just happened. The third stanza is like the last stanza in â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†. The poets speak directly to us and tell us how they feel about the war, and how disgusted they are by it. The tones used by both the poets in the last stanza are a little sympathetic but really angry, this illustrates their actual feelings of war. The tone used is also sort of disgraced, as if Sassoon is ashamed of crowd of people cheering at these young lads. It makes us think about what we think of war, and makes us question ourselves on our opinions etc. When Sassoon uses the metaphor â€Å"hell† he is describing war as â€Å"hell†. This gives a clear and evident image to relate to. Wilfred Owen also uses the image of hell in â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† too. This image makes the reader understand that war is a hellish and horrible place. When Siegfried Sassoon says â€Å"youth and laughter† he is trying to get the image across that these are young â€Å"lads†. He uses words like â€Å"simple†, â€Å"lads†, â€Å"boy†, â€Å"youth and laughter† to underline that these were naà ¯ve insecure children. It is clear that Siegfried Sassoon disapproves of the fact that children of fighting in this hellish place. Wilfred Owen also does this in â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†. Wilfred Owen says â€Å"My friend you would not tell with such high zest to children ardent for some desperate glory, the old lie† Siegfried Sassoon uses the word â€Å"kindling†, to describe the â€Å"eye(s)† of the â€Å"smug-faced crowds†. Sassoon tries to show with a sarcastic tone that they think war is a glorious thing, that they feel proud of these children, and seem to understand and appreciate what they are doing. But in reality, they can never imagine what these children are going through, and in reality, they don’t care or feel appreciative of what the children did. Therefore, the word kindling reveals the hypocrisy behind people who support war. The structure of this poem is different to â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†. Sassoon uses rhyme and rhythm to make the poem sound light and bouncy. He not only does this to make it more memorable, but he does this to emphasize the contrast of what the â€Å"smug-faced crowd’s† impression and enthusiasm towards war, and what the reality and harshness of war actually is. Siegfried Sassoon also could of used the rhyme and rhythm like this, because it sort of like a children’s poem. He could have done this to accentuate the naive young man’s death. â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est† was dragged out more, and longer. The rhyme is different and wasn’t as noticeable as â€Å"Suicide in the Trenches†. Also in â€Å"suicide in the trenches†, Sassoon stresses all the good and jolly words in stanza one, to reflect the boy’s happy/joyful life. In stanza two though, Sassoon stresses all the bad and negative words to point out the awful conditions. This makes you, as a reader, feel the sympathy for the soldiers. After reading and analysing both the poems, I prefer â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†. I like this poem better, because the poet used very detailed imagery. Wilfred Owen describes the scene more, and describes the soldiers as well. I had more images to relate to, and that helped me to understand the poem’s message, and poet’s feeling and what he was trying to put across. I also like the idea that Wilfred Owen didn’t give much away to what the poem was about, and left you thinking and wondering after reading the title. Although the rhyming in â€Å"Suicide in the Trenches† is more memorable, I like the fact that in â€Å"Dulce et Decorum Est†, you don’t really recognize the rhyme at first. But I do like the poem â€Å"Suicide in the Trenches†, but I felt it more effective that Wilfred Owen uses his personal traumatic experience to explain what war is actually like. (Thankyou for reading my essay! I hope you enjoyed it and that it helped you!! 🙂

Thursday, January 9, 2020

Introducing Jts List College Essay Topics

Introducing Jts List College Essay Topics The Fight Against Jts List College Essay Topics Write about why it is going to be important to you and why you should get a college education. To start with, a student is supposed to get a suitable topic for an essay. Explain your commitments, and you're going to be the sort of student colleges find immensely attractive. Fine, but you must be ready to write whatever you really feel like writing from a college that might not be your first alternative. You're likely to whatever you really feel like writing. Your stories aren't debatable. Should you decide you need to chat about one of the cliche essay topics mentioned previously, a very good method to tell a more prevalent story is to concentrate on one specific moment and build from that point. Or perhaps you strive to write like a specific author one day. The Hidden Gem of Jts List College Essay Topics Because it is simpler to kick around the exact same ideas over and over again. T he ideal thing is to pick a topic that will provide you with an opportunity to present new ideas or a fresh perspective on a problem. First and among the most important steps towards a thriving result is choosing one of several good informative essay topics. Just take a look at the subsequent table for ideas. Jts List College Essay Topics - What Is It? The standard of your topic will decide on the grading of the paper. You ought not feel that you've got to opt for a significant topic so as to have a powerful writing sample. If however, it's still true that you doubt your writing skills or just do not have enough to attack the assignment, you don't have to worry! More than anything, you don't need to place your application in jeopardy. When you've decided on the topic question, it would be wise to browse through the web to locate some plausible responses. You should produce a notion and offer some evidence. It is very important to mention that the idea doesn't need to be a good one. On the flip side, the thought of citing seem not so challenging when do not have any ideas about what to write. Once you receive an idea, the practice of writing will be much simpler. Topics like death and divorce are cautionary as they can be exceedingly tricky to write about. 2 minutes is longer than you believe! At the exact same time, you will impress the college admissions folks greatly if you may present your capacity to learn from your failures and mistakes. Needless to say, the area of business is quite wide. Like the death penalty, the thought of marijuana legality was debated and discussed for decades. In the college admission procedure, it can be simple to get caught up in attempting to come off as the ideal candidate. Who Else Wants to Learn About Jts List College Essay Topics? Writing a college essay can be a challenging task initially, but understanding how different topics of college essays work may help you later on. In some instances, the college will give an essay topic for you. It's therefore important to cautiously consider different college essay topics. The very best topic for your essay is one which is aligned with your region of study. These sorts of essays permit you to capsulize your ideas and to give all the essential argument in brief. Different essay types need various questions. Fortunately, colleges will think something similar about you in the event you choose to incorporate your love of literature in your essay. Reflective essay topics are quite popular, too. Once you are finished with your essay, you can begin brainstorming for ideas. The essay ought to be personal and real and the proper dose of humor may also help. 1 important thing that you ought to do when writing your essay is to help it become personal. The Hidden Gem of Jts List College Essay Topics There are not any clear rules about how to create a superior title. Usually an application will provide an extremely wide topic with which you can do almost anything, or else they will make it possible for you to write about whatever topic you want. When you're done, pick a couple title options which you think are the greatest and ask somebody you know to inform you exactly what they think. If you are in possession of a catchy but not informative title, include a subtitle at which you will describe the gist of the essay. Someone reading the title should identify issues that'll be covered. It is advised to compose your essay initially and as soon as you shape your ideas, return and work on the title. Many very good essays do not need a title.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

Cell Phone Radiation Essay - 1012 Words

Purpose: My purpose is to provide information on cell phone radiation, the risks that can be caused by cell phone radiation, and the potential health problems that could result from this. Details of the topic: I am going to talk about the arguments about how cell phone radiation can affect our lives and whether these arguments are accurate or not. Cell phone radiation is a type of electromagnetic radiation that has the ability to cause health issues. The radiation from this device can cause serious brain tumours, according to one study by Anna Lahkola of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority in Finland, which found that people who use their cell phone for more than 2000 hours have a higher chance of getting a brain tumour. The†¦show more content†¦Cell phones/smart phones would be in the non-ionizing category because they use a low to mid frequency. In this diagram you can see the frequency for cell phones/smart phones is in the range from 0 to 10 ¹Ã‚ º in hertz (Hz). Furthermore the group also mentioned that, even though the frequency for non-ionizing radiation is less dangerous, it is still possible to have side effects that may affect to our personal lives. There was a c lass where at the end we had a very brief discussion about radiation from electronics and the topic of cell phones/smart phones was brought up by few students when they were asked about their opinion or personal experience. Some side effects they mentioned from using their cell phones/smart phones constantly were having problems falling asleep along with minor headaches. Reflection: This voluntary assignment helps me because it provides some very interesting facts and debates about the side effects of cell phone/smart phone radiation. In this course we have covered many different kinds of radiation, but we have not talked a lot about the radiation from technology. We presume this kind of radiation is too low to have serious effects on us. However, I remember that I actually had some problems when I used my IPhone (smart phone) two years ago. For instance, I started out with a headache that turned into a very seriousShow MoreRelatedThe Impact of Cell Phone Radiation on Our Health3234 Words   |  13 Pages Cell phones represent a type of technology that has been around for more than over fifty years; it has only been recently that many people began to use cell phones as a major part of their everyday life. In the past cell phones were for business people to conduct their business, but in today’s society every one owns a cell phone. Cell phones are interesting, useful and also play a major role in our life’s bringing people closer and keeping in touch with one another. Most people do not know and understandRead MoreCell Phone Radiation And Its Effect1257 Words   |  6 Pagesaware of cell phone radiation and its effect, but when it comes to smartphones, people seem to forget all about the radiation. Also, â€Å"to much use of smart phones which will build the danger of brain cancer, particularly among children. Children have slender skulls and delicate nervous system. Daily utilization of smart phones for a long time duplicates the danger of tumor in the auditory nerve t hat connects the ear to the brain. In the following example shows that the overuse of smart phones can affectRead MoreEssay about Cell Phone Radiation1306 Words   |  6 Pagesadvancement is cell-phones, which is one of the greatest development in technology. We have become dependent on mobiles phones and it seem like a high percentage of the population including elderly people, young adult and even kids under 18 have one of this devices. There are numerous advantages and disadvantages related to cell phones. In one hand there is the importance of being communicated for emergencies, business, social and personal purposes. On the other hand, the usage of cell phone had becomeRead MoreHealth Effects from Cell Phone Tower Radiation2899 Words   |  12 PagesHealth Effects from Cell Phone Tower Radiation by Karen J. Rogers The safety of cell phone towers is the subject of extensive scientific debate. There is a growing body of scientific evidence that the electromagnetic radiation they emit, even at low levels, is dangerous to human health. The cell phone industry is expanding quickly, with over 100,000 cell phone towers now up across the U.S., which is expected to increase ten-fold over the next five years. The industry has set what they say areRead MoreCell Phone Radiation May Help Alzheimers Disease Essay1569 Words   |  7 PagesResearch Center which has abandoned the idea that cell phone radiation is detrimental to our health. The experiment studied the effects of cell phones on Alzheimers. Professor Arendash, started this study by noticing that the students in the hallway of the university had cell phones plastered to their ears. He set up the experiment with lab mice, beaming electromagnetic signals at them two hours a day, for eight months, this is the equivalent to daily phone use for 25 to 30 years for humans. The resultsRead MoreHow Cell Phones Can Harm Children921 Words   |  4 PagesHow Cell Phones Can Harm Children As of 2013, cell phones rank number one for causes of car accidents, yet it seems almost impossible to go anywhere without seeing a cell phone in a person’s hand or attached to their ear (â€Å"Two-thirds of Adults Use a Cell Phone†). In the past thirty years, cell phones have started to pop up everywhere and have increased tremendously in popularity since. Worldwide, almost five million cell phones are in use today (â€Å"Cell Phone Use Linked†). Many parents understandRead MoreMarxism in Brave New World Essay995 Words   |  4 Pages(The Pew study noted that 48 percent of parents use the phone to monitor their childs location.) * Your kids can reach you in the event of an emergency, and vice versa. * If in danger, your children can reach the authorities or a medical provider. * Phones can be silenced during class or study periods, and active only in appropriate places. * Cell phones create a convenience that was previously unavailable. With cell phones, you can easily reach your kids for any reason: to ask themRead MoreMobile Phone Radiation Affects Our Health Essay1140 Words   |  5 Pagesthe year 1966, less than 100 million adults across the globe had cell phones. However, as of 2016, there were 4.23 billion mobile phone users across the globe. The exponential increase in mobile phone use has made it urgent to determine whether or not mobile phone radiation poses a health hazard. The question of whether mobile phone radiation affects our health has been surrounded by controversy since the introduction of mobile phones. For several years, the World Health Organization (WHO) has assuredRead MoreMobile Phone Exposure And Carcinogenesis Essay1633 Words   |  7 PagesMobile phone exposure and carcinogenesis Brain cancer is the most frightening hazard of mobile phone use. The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) classified RF fields as â€Å"possibly carcinogenic to humans,† in 2002 in spite of limited evidence from human and animal studies (IARC, 2002). The relation between mobile phone radiation exposure and cancer are justified. Muscat et al. (2000) showed that a relationship exists between mobile phone use and meningioma or glioma. A meta-analysisRead MoreCan Cell Phones Harm our Health? Essay962 Words   |  4 PagesIs there dangerous radiation coming from our cell phones? Over the past few years there has been concern about our health when it comes to cell phones. Some people say that cell phones are dangerous because there is harmful radiation coming from them. Others say that cell phones are safe. However, cell phones emit 900-1800 MHz radiofrequency electromagnetic fields during calls which effects the protein structures in mice and humans (Eid 573). Therefore, cell phones can be dangerous to humans. Most